Playing about with 3D modelling

by January 09, 2016 0 comments
Being laid up for the last couple of weeks and unable to finish off the carpeting, I thought I'd try my hand at designing how I wanted the cabinets to look. Given there are five of us, we needed as much storage as possible, but still leaving the inside of the van bright and airy enough if we were stuck inside on a rainy day. The other thing I wanted was to fit the surfboards inside the van if possible, as we'll just about fit under the beach car park barriers that have gone up at the entrances to all our local beaches. If I put bars on the roof, we definitely won't fit. My board is 7'9 and in it's bag is just over 8' long and almost 3' wide. The plan is to strap the boards to the underside of the roof bed, so the kids can still sit in the back and if we're travelling long distance, we can just pop the roof up when we stop for a break, to lift the boards out of the way without having to take them out of the van like we did when we went up to the highlands in the hire van a couple of months ago. Here's hoping it works! Colours aren't finalised at the minute, but I did the model using white oak as that's what we're thinking about at the minute.

Even in the LWB the worktop space isn't great, but when you add a three seater RIB bed, it gets even less.  I had to step in the cabinets so that the seat could unfold out to a bed, 1860mm in length. The cooker/sink unit takes up most of the space, so worktop space is virtually non-existent if the cooker and sink are in use. I don't really like the idea of relying on just using the table as worktop, as if it's raining, the kids could be using it for games/books etc.  I decided to extend the worktop out, but put it on a flap hinge, similar to a bar counter, so that when it is down, it looks flush and part of the worktop, but it can hinge up and out of the way to allow us to fold out the bed.


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